*.h and *.hpp
enums.hpp - Defines all major enumerations used in Flatland.
flatland.hpp - Declares a geometry class and world class. These are wrapper interfaces to ODE.
shapes.hpp - Declares Quad, Wall, Block, Circle, Line, Terrain.
aabb.hpp - Define a small class for 2D axis-aligned bounding boxes.
vector.hpp - Declares vec2 and related math and graphics methods.
intersection.hpp - Declares Test and Find methods for all shape-shape combinations.
source/*.c and *.cpp
flatland.cpp - Defines methods for the geometry class and world class.
quad-quad.cpp - Test for quad-quad intersection and generate contacts.
terrain-all.cpp - Test for terrain-all intersection and generate contacts.
composite-all.cpp - Test for composite-all intersection and generate contacts.
vector.cpp - Defines vec2 methods.
circle-circle.cpp - Test for circle-circle intersection and generate contacts.
quad-circle.cpp - Test for quad-circle intersection and generate contacts.
shapes.cpp - Defines methods for Quad, Wall, Block, Circle, Line, Terrain.
intersection.cpp - Calls appropriate Test and Find methods for all shape-shape combinations.
tests/*.c and *.cpp
simple.cpp - Very simple demo program for flatland.
osWindows.c - Defines methods for windows-specific functions.
osLinux.c - Defines methods for non-Windows functions.
demo.cpp - Defines methods for the demo framework. All OpenGL stuff goes here.
complex.cpp - More complex demo program for flatland.
tests/*.h and *.hpp
resource.h -
demo.hpp - Declares all the classes in the demo framework.
os.h - Declarations and headers for stuff that is win32-specific, linux-specific, etc.